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Jennings supports individuals through life’s changes and challenges with residences and services that emphasize choice and person-directed care.
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Jennings' Garfield Heights campus was blessed to be included in the Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession. The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) celebrates the real presence of the body (corpus) of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Father John Schneider, Pastor of St. Therese Parish in Garfield Heights, said during his homily (in part): "The reason for the procession is to show the world our love for God...It shows us something very important. It shows the bonds of love, the love for community and the love for God in our hearts. When we rejoice in God, the world is changed...On this feast, we become what we receive - the Lord has chosen each of us to be His daughter or to be His son for all of eternity."
Father John Schneider began the procession at the end of Mass at St. Therese Church and processed with the Blessed Sacrament across Granger Road into the Holy Spirit Chapel at Jennings so residents would have the opportunity to participate. In an heartwarming show of community, St. Therese parishioners also took part in the procession.
Thank you, Fr. Schneider and the St. Therese community for including Jennings in this most holy procession, and to Garfield Heights Police Department - Ohio for ensuring the safety of all who processed from St. Therese Church and back.
#community #Catholic #corpuschristi2023 #blessedsacrament Catholic #DioceseOfCleveland #faith #seniorliving #nevertooold #EucharistCLE #catholic #catholicism #church #traditionalCatholic #catholicchurch
"I would hold the leadership team - back in the day and today - to any top-notch leadership team. It's really impressive. Your ability to grow while remaining true to the fundamentals of who you are as an organization has amplified Jennings' resiliency."
Jacque Hoyt
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