Trusted by families since 1942, Jennings provides provides choices as unique as each individual. We deliver quality care with joy and compassion.
Change your address, not your lifestyle! Jennings has four Northeast Ohio locations to serve you with exceptional choices in residences and services.
Jennings supports individuals through life’s changes and challenges with residences and services that emphasize choice and person-directed care.
You can make a difference in the lives of older adults! Support from friends like you brings fulfillment to our work and joy to the people we serve.
Not sure where to start? We're here for you.
The flow of grace through us is largely blocked when we are living inside a worldview of scarcity, a feeling that there’s just not enough: enough of God, enough of me, enough food, enough health care to go around, enough mercy to include and forgive all faults. Our unhealthy economics and politics persist because even Christians largely operate out of a worldview of scarcity: there is not enough land, water, money, and housing for all of us; and in America there are never enough guns to keep us safe. A saint always knows that there is more than enough for our need but never enough for our greed. In the midst of the structural stinginess and over-consumption of our present world, how do we possibly change consciousness and teach the mind to operate from mercy and graciousness? It will always be an uphill battle, and it will always depend upon a foundational and sustained conversion.
-Richard Rohr
"Wow; this is much better!’ I don’t have to use my back and shoulders the same way, so it feels good at the end of the day.”
Wanda Gallardo
Care Partner
Generous support from friends like you, adds to Jennings' capacity to celebrate life with everyone who lives and visits here.
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